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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Fwd: Boletín de golf en Panamá No. 19
Fwd: [News Boquete] Tuesday Meeting, Yes a meeting his week
10:30 am to Noon
Used Book Sale & Farmers Market 9 am to 12 noon
To become a Vendor Email BCP Theater Manager
If you cannot read this email or wish to check for updates bookmark this LINK
WHERE: BCP Theater & Event Center, Across Feria Bridge from Downtown Boquete, on the right.
To suggest a speaker , Email the Moderator
COST: $1.00 to cover the room rental, collected at the door to the theater except for commercial meetings which have no cover charge. The vendor pays the BCP for the time and space. BCP is offering Mimosa (champagne & orange juice) at the Tuesday meeting for only $2.
MAIL TO USA: If anyone is going to the U.S. this week, please pick up stamped mail from Irene at the Used Book Table or, contact her at 720-4880. If you have mail to go to the U.S., please give it to Irene at the Used Book Table.
Boquete Residents: Please vote on the current Boquete Guide Poll. It is on the on the right column under the ads.
Oct 2: Community Meeting Focus on Healthcare and Health Insurance. This is an open meeting with discussion, no special speaker and although we will start with banking the goal is to answer any questions people in Boquete have about Boquete.
Nov 6: Newcomers Meeting
Dec 4: Newcomers meeting
December 11 - January 8 - No meetings
Important Boquete Contacts
Alto al Crimen
Emergency Service number
English and Spanish spoken
Other emergency numbers:
Blood donors: Mary Lynah at 6533-0967 or Clare Edmonds at 6887-6063
Boquete Police: 720-2145, 720-1222
Cell phone in Police car: 6885-5829
Boquete BOMBEROS (Fire Dept): 720-1224
Note: Spanish speaking only. Learn how to describe your location in Spanish.
Boquete Hospice and Health Support
Hospice hotline 6781-9250
Website - BoqueteHospice
Helping the terminally and seriously ill with Health Support.
Buenos Vecinos de Boquete
Buenos Vecinos de Boquete is a small group of volunteers who deliver food supplies to the handicapped and elderly on a monthly basis. You can make donations at the Tuesday meeting. For more information, see Irene at the meeting.
Bid 4 Boquete
Visit at This organization is Boquete's equivilent of the United Way. One donation for many causes. Bid4Boquete can use volunteers as much as money.
Used Book Sales
Well over 350 used books DVDs and CDs for sale and U.S. stamps
for your mail. All proceeds from the book sales are equally divided between Handicap Foundation of Boquete and Carolina Alvarez Concepcion who is blind. Now also selling Milagros Pinzon's book about Boquete for $5.00 and Stanley Heckadon-Noreno's book "Naturalists on the Isthmus of Panama" for $15.00. Donations of books, Cds, DVDs, magazines and jigsaw puzzles will be gratefully received.
Amigos de Animales de Boquete (FADAB) provides spay/neuter clinics on the last Sunday of each month on the same street at Mike's Global Grill. In addition, FADAB provides feeding stations around town and supports the rescue and adoption efforts for area homeless dogs and cats. Donations for the large monthly expense of these projects are welcome and very much appreciated! See us at Click on the Adoptions button to find unconditional love.
Handicap Foundation of Boquete /Fundación Pro Integración, Capítulo de Boquete, is a nonprofit organization run by volunteers whose mission is to improve the quality of financially-challenged handicapped residents of the Boquete District and promote their integration into society. For additional information visit our website You can also request additional information or make a donation through Irene, at the book sale counter.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Fwd: About Chayotes & Saturday's soup
Chayote is a heart-healthy vegetable that takes on the flavors that surround it.
- It grows easily on vines and is abundant in Panama.
- It can be eaten raw, in tender slices, and added to enhance salads.
- Or it can be lightly steamed, chilled, and added to egg or tuna salads.
- You can also boil it and mix it up along with potatoes or cauliflower to serve as a hot vegetable, seasoned with butter, salt & pepper.
- Many people don't know that you can use the young leaves to make a daily tea for heart and kidney health.
Tip from Elizabeth: When pealing, do so Under Running Water, or you will experience a drying feeling on your hands from it's juices. (If this happens, aleve with hand lotion.)
Today at Big Daddy's ... and while it lasts... a bowl of Chayote/Saffron soup made from Chayotes from Elizabeth's garden, Lemon Grass, Saffron, even Mandarins from our tree! ...and other, more Secret Spices. Served with a Warmed, Personal Loaf of Bread ... only $5.50.
Big Daddy's Grill, Boquete Never purchased frozen… Never farm raised. Noon - 9:00 Tuesday – Saturday Noon - 8:00 Sunday CLOSED MONDAY |
Fwd: Are You a Self-Made Expat? Share Your Story
The InterNations Weekly
Are You a Self-Made Expat? Typically, expats are sent abroad to work on a project or transferred to an overseas branch of their company. In that case, the employer usually helps with visa issues and other red tape. But what about those among us who did the overseas job search on their own and who organized their move abroad without the help of an HR department? Self-made expats clearly have a lot more on their plate and often it takes just a little more courage to start a new life abroad from scratch. Are you a self-made expat? Then visit the InterNations world forum and share your story with other members.
Oktoberfest Celebrations around the World As yet another month comes to an end we are celebrating Oktoberfest here at our headquarters in Munich. On Wednesday, October 3rd, Munich is hosting its second Oktoberfest event. So, go get your ticket for a great evening, complete with cocktails, wine, and a typical Bavarian "Brotzeit". Let's take a look at our Communities around the world and see where else it is time to put on your "Dirndl" or "Lederhosen". InterNations Minneapolis celebrates Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 6th. Join us at an authentic Bavarian-style bar and restaurant for great beer and great company. Our members in Singapore also get to join in the fun. After last year's success, we will meet at the Fullerton Hotel on Saturday, October 6th, to recreate some of that Oktoberfest magic. Every expat visiting our Singapore Oktoberfest event gets to enjoy beer, wine, and treats from a select German buffet. Of course, our new Communities deserve to be mentioned as well. For the InterNations Uppsala First Event our Ambassador has negotiated special drinks prices, so that our members can feel like VIPs all night long. Global minds in Edmonton get to meet at an international pub for the 1st Official Edmonton InterNations Event. Come join us there to spend time with other expats and make some new friends. InterNations members in Ireland should not miss out on our Cork October 2012 Meetup. Cork members meet at a relaxed venue to mix and mingle and get to know each other. Around midnight, the group will then leave the venue to head to Crane Lane.
Sports and Culture This week, we have some great activities in store for you to satisfy both the sports fans and the culture enthusiasts among you. On Sunday, September 30th, our InterNations Abidjan Football group meets for a Weekend Football Game. This time, the group will play on a dirt field, so remember to bring some good running shoes for the game. On the same day, our Mumbai Cricket Team meets as well to enjoy a relaxed Cricket Sunday. For the first event, we will try to keep things basic and use tennis balls in order to avoid injuries. So come on by and enjoy the spirit of this beautiful game. Do you love arts and culture? Our Basel Culture and Lifestyle group meets on Friday, October 5th, for the Degas Exhibition and Dinner. Edgar Degas is regarded as one of the founders of impressionism and his works are as fascinating as ever. After the visit to the exhibition, the group will head to an Asian restaurant just outside of the museum for dinner. In London our Gallery Visits group gets together to head to the exhibition of Vintage Vogue by James Mylne. Mylne creates biro drawings and is considered a master of his art. Meet us on Thursday, October 4th, for an exhibition you should not miss. Finally, our Brussels Galleries and Exhibitions group has something in store for you as well. The group gets together on Saturday, October 6th, for Nuit Blanche 2012. Nuit Blanche is an artistic and cultural event allowing you to experience art pieces and events throughout the city.
Roll-Out of More Activity Groups As InterNations keeps on growing, we are happy to announce that we are now offering our Activity Groups Feature in yet another 48 Local Communities around the world. The new additions among the 156 cities in which our members get to join Activity Groups are Atlanta, Calgary, Guadalajara, Jersey City, Medellin, Ottawa, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Seattle, Bangalore, Baku, Bishkek, Dakar, Dar Es Salaam, Ho Chi Minh City, Kathmandu, Kuwait City, Lagos, Lusaka, Maputo, Perth, Pune, Ras al-Khaimah, Seoul, Tashkent, Jeddah, St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Budapest, Belgrade, Kiev, Tallinn, Sofia, Vilnius, Zagreb, Gothenburg, Ljubljana, Rotterdam, Bodrum, Manchester, Cannes, Bern, Strasbourg, Cologne, Hannover, Mainz-Wiesbaden, Dresden, and Nuremberg. But we are not done yet! As it is our goal to offer the Activity Groups Feature in all our Local Communities around the world, it is time to roll up our sleeves and get back to work… |
Friday, September 28, 2012
Fwd: concierto Amaryllis y Oktoberfest
Con este correo electrónico quisiera invitarles al
Concierto del cuarteto de cuerdas Amaryllis.
El día miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012, a las 8:00 p.m., el cuarteto de cuerdas Amaryllis dará un concierto en el Ateneo de la Ciudad del Saber. Amaryllis, un cuarteto muy famoso en el area de la música clásica de Alemania, es formado por Gustav Frielinghaus, Lena Wirth, Lena Eckels e Yves Sandoz. En su viaje por Centroamérica paran también en Panamá para dar conciertos y talleres intensivos con músicos panameños.Boletos para el concierto se venden en la Embajada de Alemania (World Trade Center, piso PH, Calle 53, Marbella - teléfono: 263 7733) por solo 2,- Balboas.
El concierto será organizado por la Embajada Alemana, el Goethe-Institut México y la Asociación Educativa Colegio Alemán de Panamá.
Además mando los afiches de diferentes lugares donde se puede celebrar el Oktoberfest en Panamá - en el Rincón Alemán, en el Steinbock y en el Parque Omar.
Saludos cordiales
Katrin Lehmann
Cónsul y Agregada Cultural
Embajada de la República Federal de Alemania
World Trade Center, Piso 20/PH, Calle 53, Marbella, Ciudad de Panamá
Tel.: + 507 263 7733
Fax: + 507 223 6664
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Fwd: [News Boquete] Lucero Golf & Counttry Club
Fwd: Nuevo en HP Pro Book 4530s y mucho más
27 septiembre 2012 | ||||||||||
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